Gel Mattress Overlay 39 x75 x3 Twin Size

Gel Mattress Overlay 39 x75 x3 Twin Size
Item# 10104B

Product Description

STANDARD * 39 x75x3 * Medicare Code E0185 * Ideal combination of 5 gel bladders each comprised of 3 channels 2 thick * The gel bladders cover over 75% of the total overlay surface and are encased in a high density polyurethane foam casing * Prevents causing capillary occlusion with the lowest possible pressure readings * Sculptured foam surface with the inner gel core permits lateral movement of the skin preventing capillary occulsion which may lead to tissue necrosis by reducing friction and therefore skin destruction * Permits airflow reducing moisture buildup a prerequisite of skin breakdown * One piece construction requires no assembly * Elastic corner straps secures overlay to mattress * Base foundation is a high density polyurethane foam * Cover is contructed from a soft nylon urethane coated non-vapor permeable material and is flexible anti-bacterial flame retardant and incontinence proof * Standard Weight Capacity: 350 lbs * 6 month warranty

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